
Friday, November 20, 2009

If # 0002

IF you could spend one whole night with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?

The common answer to this question usually has something to do with sex and/or intimacy, in which the respondent would look for the most attractive person in his/her mind. But there are times when it's just about something more.

Right now, I guess my answer would have to depend also on what we would be doing. Since we don't wanna take the common answer, we can skip that and head for the uncommonfolk.

Even then there are a million faces, famous and not, flashing in my mind's eye faster than vegas slots and they stop like a missed jackpot, as two faces light up each eye.

I'd have to say it's a tie between BONO and OZZY. I find both of them great overall musicians and lyricists. Being emotional catalysts, lyrics provide a middle ground wherein everyday men and women can relate with the song and claim it as part of their lives. I'd probably ask either one of them how they write their songs. I'd ask them what inspires them. I'd ask historical questions, nonsensical questions, kidstuff questions, trivia and all sorts of babble.

Then I;d ask if we could collaborate. Ha. As if spending a whole night with them wasn't wishful thinking enough, I get to ask them to collab? I must really be delerious. But then again, the question was asked, and the answer came.

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