
Sunday, August 30, 2009

District 9

I just got home from Glorietta, where I watched District 9, and I have to say I liked it.

Coming into the theater, I had no expectations, as I have not really seen or heard much about the movie, except that it involved alien-human interaction and had something to do with Peter Jackson. Aside from Peter Jackson, all the other participants of the movie are no-names. This helped with my positive view of this movie, i think, since I had nothing to which to compare it.

I heard also that this movie had a lot of borrowed elements from other movies, and since I like hunting for Easter Eggs, this got me curious. So far, these are what I spotted:

  1. Blair Witch Project (Home Movie/Live Camera)

  2. Black Hawk Down (News Coverage)

  3. Star Wars (Spot the Jedi Getup)

  4. Men In Black (The Aliens and their weapons)

  5. Independence Day (Mothership)

See if you can spot some more.

Overall, I liked the way that the aliens were portrayed not as villains, but as another race. Unlike the usual sci-fi story where the aliens have learned to speak English, The aliens maintained their language while the humans learned the alien clickety language.

The movie was completed by a subtle love story between the main character and the boss' daughter. A bit cliche, but in this case, it works. You should see it to know why.

Go :)

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