
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prayer Eggs

I guess it's just really part of Filipino nature to be animistic and superstitious, despite our strong catholic faith. It's what makes us unique as a people, that we haven't forgotten what was, but in a sense just adapted to what is, to forge what will be.

One such example is the practice of offering eggs to Sta. Clara for good weather. Now, personally, this goes beyond scientific explanation. Questions arise such as "How does it work, exactly?" or "Is this not just a matter of coincidence?". Honestly, I don't know. I have been boggled by the fact that the eggs have this "magical" characteristic about them.

Case in point: Last week, my boss had one of our staff offer some eggs to Sta. Clara in Katipunan for good weather for Saturday's event (The one with Kjwan, Steph (the one sent with eggs) also had an event to handle yesterday. Now, when saturday came, the weather was relatively good. It did not pour until late in the night when most of the program was over.

However, the curios bit was this: Steph's event was yesterday, Sept. 10. We all know that September 9's rains were so hard that a lot of schools suspended classes. Today, as I look out the window, it seems to reflect the same showers. Yet, the whole day yesterday, the sun shone as it does on a regular summer's day.

Coincidence or intercession? I think the fact that it has happened so many times that people actually believe in the practice, justifies that a higher being is in control, and that these "magical" powerful eggs symbolize our prayers offered up to the almighty, with the intercession of Sta. Clara.

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