
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chavit the Victim

I wonder if Mr. Singson (No, he does not deserve to be called Governor) was a Prodigy fan. He seems to have taken their words to heart:

Come play my game (Inhale, Inhale, YOU'RE THE VICTIM!)...

He was the Firestarter during the Erap Trials, claiming to be the victim in the whole mess. Just because he blew the whistle, does that mean his hands are clean? We know that he was party to everything, as he admitted. Just that he didn't get his cut, so he cried "Victim!" and told on the others.

We see a familiar trend with what JDVIII did with Sen. Gordon. The Senate inquiry was meant to clarify issues on ZTE and basically point out that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Everyone at fault gets grilled one way or the other. Just that we (the Filipino People) lack muscle to carry some of the bigger pork to the grill. If only our armed forces would see the light.

So after claiming (more than) his fair share of pats on the back, Chavit is now on the news again. This time, for beating his wife. And he still claims that he is the victim. The wife is battered, and he is the victim. Sure, maybe the wife cheated on him, but she doesn't deserve a beating. Maybe a separation or a lawsuit, but definitely not a beating.

In Chavit's mind he must probably think he can do anything to her because she's at fault. He must think he's Judge Dredd...Judge, Jury and Executioner. oh, and Victim, according to him. That's one hell of a starring role.

Does that mean that one can now kill, burn, maim, strangle, kick, gut or do anything brutal to their partners because adultery (or any other wrong done to them) voids their human rights?

I sure hope he doesn't run in 2010, or we may just have a drop in population.

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